Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ready for the Kick-Off

One thing I think the Great American Eat Right Challenge aims to do is to each people how to eat healthy in order to maintain a healthy body weight. Losing weight isn’t necessarily about eating less – it’s about eating healthy.

I was talking to my boss the other day and we were comparing stories of friends who have been unsuccessful at losing weight because of some of their methods – only allowing yourself one food group, not eating much throughout the day and instead relying on diet soda or water to keep them full. I fell into this trap once, relying mostly on Diet Coke to keep me satisfied throughout the day. It didn’t work so well. (But you will be happy to know this is my third day without having a pop. That’s a pretty big step for me!)

What’s scary is that lately I’ve seen my sisters friends losing weight by not eating. I hate that. Yeah you can see results, but is it really healthy? What are you doing to your body? Are you really out of other options?

To be honest, the thought of not eating lunch on a daily basis has crossed my mind on more than one occasion. But then I remember I like food too much. There has to be a better (and much healthier) way to lose weight. I’m not about to be miserable as I eat next to nothing in an attempt to hit a goal weight. Especially since once I hit that goal weight, I’d probably put all the weight back on. It’s a vicious cycle.

Well, tomorrow I’m hoping to start fresh and hopefully break off some of those bad habits of mine as I kick off on the Eat Right Challenge. I’m hoping that by limiting (if not eliminating) pop, turning down seconds and getting more fruits and veggies into my diet, I’ll see results and embark on a healthier lifestyle.

Feel free to take on the challenge, too. And keep me posted on your progress! The more feedback we get, the better.

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