Monday, October 8, 2007

Day 1

As promised, here's a list of what I eat today. Some of the serving sizes are approximations, so we'll see if it ends up being decent.

10:15 - Handful of Oatmeal Squares cereal
Noon - Half of the Chicken Caesar Salad in a bread bowl from Perkins and two glasses of Diet Coke
1:30 - Love-it size of Birthday Cake Remix from Coldstone (bad, I know!)
2:30 - One can of the low-carb monster energy drink (20 cals)
5:15 - Medium plate of spaghetti with meat sauce
7:30 - 24 oz. of water
8:00 - Five tortilla chips with spinach dip
10:00 - 16 oz. of water
10:30 - An apple with low-fat caramel dip (mostly due to stress over my test tomorrow...)

I'm trying to get better with the water and hopefully through keeping this diary I'll see when my week moments are (evening hours seem to win tonight out of stress and boredom). I guess we'll just have to see what tomorrow brings...

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