Friday, September 28, 2007

Pop Addict

I have a bad confession to make. I'm back to being a Diet Coke addict.

I thought I would have it under control. At first I just had it on mornings when I was more tired then normal and needed the caffeine to kick start my day. Then I threw it in when I went out for lunch or dinner. Now I'm back to 2-3 pops a day.

Will the madness ever stop??

What sucks about my pop addiction is that I know I should be drinking water. Instead of ordering a pop and getting a refill or two, I should be drinking water. But it just doesn't seem as satisfying anymore.

When I drink pop, even if it's diet, I just don't feel as healthy. I can feel the acid in my stomach and I know I should be drinking water instead. But I can't shake the need for caffeine. And I'm not about to resort to energy drinks or caffeine pills.

Maybe my goal in the coming weeks should be to get into a regular sleep habit. I've hard that's good for maintaining weight anyway. You need a good night sleep each and every night to regulate your body.

Of course this is all easier said than done. But aren't most things in life?

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