Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I was recapping my day. I always try to figure out where I could have minimized wasted time and when I could have been more productive. Mostly I wonder what I could have done to be healthier.

Then it dawned on me. I'm doing a terrible job of helping my readers (the few that I have left...). This is supposed to be the Great American Eat Right Challenge. When it launched in August/September, I was all set. I was ready to take on the world and really apply the things I'd learned through the website.

And it worked...for awhile. But soon enough I was back to my busy schedule and making excuses for not working out and not even cooking my own meals. What kind of example am I setting? Can I honestly say I'm making an honest attempt at leading a healthier life? Unfortunately, the answer is now.

I was looking back at some of my previous blog entries, and I was always searching for answers and ways to really change the way I viewed eating, dieting and lifestyles. It really hit me that the decisions I make today and tomorrow really do impact my future.

It's hard for me to say this - but what's going to be more important in 20 years? The exam I took or the health decisions I made. My guess is I won't be kicking myself in the butt if, just once in a while, I opted to workout or cook a healthy meal instead of study for an exam.

Who knows. But I do need to be a better advocate for waht I preach. It's one thing to complain and wish to be healthy. It's another to actually do it. It's time to put action behind my words.

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