My time on the couch has given me plenty of time to really reassess my dieting techniques, and I think I may have stumbled upon something that just might work.
Tonight a friend and I were brainstorming what it would take to get us to really take dieting seriously, and so on our own we’ve developed a list of rules and rewards to (hopefully) get us to start on the right track. Instead of being over ambitious and trying to change a dozen things at once (like I normally try to do), instead I’ve decided to take on one change in a given 10 day period. I’ll focus on getting that healthy habit down, and then I’ll move on to the second habit.
I’ve figured out that I have exactly seven weeks left of my summer vacation before I head back to school. That gives me seven weeks to really nip this thing in the bud. Having the healthy habits going into the school year will make it easier for me to follow when I start getting busy with classes, homework, organizations and everything else that comes my way.
So, to finish off my summer on top, I’ve developed a list of my rules and rewards. For every day that I follow through with the rules, I get a sticker.
0-10 days --- No eating seconds or unnecessary snacking before or after dinner
10-20 days --- Eat at least one fruit and one veggie a day
20-30 days --- No eating after 8 p.m. and aim to drink at least 6 glasses of water
30-40 days --- No fast food or ice cream. If I must, opt for healthier options (salad instead of fries, frozen yogurt instead of ice cream)
40-50 days --- Increase walking time by 15 minutes
5 stickers --- Give myself a pedicure
15 stickers --- Have a photo developing party of a majority of the photos on my computer
25 stickers --- Buy a new pair earrings
35 stickers --- Buy a new shirt
45 stickers --- Dye hair
And there you have it. There are my goals and the rewards I’m working toward. Some of the rules may seem somewhat silly or simple, but they're things I've been lacking on in previous months that I really think can lead to a healthier life.
Hopefully some of you find this helpful. I’ll let you know in the coming weeks if it works.
I tried a similar plan where I rewarded myself for meeting a certain number of pounds lost (for example, if I lost 5 pounds I would go out to a movie with a friend). While being healthy should be your ultimate goal, setting small non-food rewards should help maintain the motivation and give you something to work toward. Good luck!
You are really brave to publish your thoughts in this "journal". Losing weight can be tricky and it's good to read about someone trying to get healthy.
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