Friday, August 8, 2008

We Need to Talk...

This relationship isn't work. My relationship with food, that is.

I was chatting with one of my co-workers about dieting. She's been on quite an interesting diet for the last few weeks, and she's had some great results. One of her more amazing accomplishments, though, is that she feels like she's fueling her body. She doesn't miss all the crap, for like of a better word, that we typically find ourselves eating.

She also drinks about a gallon of water a day, saying that it's just become habit. Instead of reaching for pop, which I generally do, she brings in 1-liter water bottles and just drinks those. She feels like she's flushing out all the bad stuff and just putting things in her body that help her function and live better.

Do you know how wonderful that would be? I really do think that's an amazing feat. For msyelf, eating tends to stem from my emotions. That was confirmed when I took this eating personality quiz. When I'm bored, antsy, frustrated or even excited, I eat. The only time I don't really eat is when I'm nervous, and that's simply because my stomach doesn't need anything on top of the butterflies I already feel.

It amazes me at how much eating has evolved. I don't eat to fuel my body. Well, I do, but it doesn't feel like that's the main priority for me. Mostly it's, "Oh my gosh, that looks so good!" and then I stuff it in my mouth. I don't stop to ask myself if I'm even hungry or if there's a better option. Eating and drinking seems to be more about instant gratification instead of eating to live.

While it won't be easy, I do think I need to take a closer look at my relationship with food. I need to start being more cognizant of what I'm eating and why. I need to start looking at my body as a machine, something that needs to be fueled with healthy, more natural foods. I really don't need to be drinking an abundance of Diet Coke and eating poptarts and ice cream. Those are okay once in a while, but I should be opting for things that will improve my life.

It's time to get out of this bad relationship with food and find a healtheir one. Literally.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Finding Excitment

One thing in weighloss articles and podcasts that I've always rolled my eyes at is the idea that you have to find something "fun." Fun? Are you serious? Very rarely have I had a workout that's been what I consider "fun."

Then I started thinking about what really motivates me. What is it that gets me to workout hard, to not just throw in the towel? My family.

I recently read an article in Prevention magazine about a family that teamed up to take on a marathon. Almost immediately, I e-mailed my sisters and thought we should do something similar. Granted the health problems aren't to the same extent, but it's never too early to really start caring about your health.

Since then we've found a few 5Ks, 10K, half-marathons and even marathons to work our way toward. Our first 5K will be this November, which I'm super excited for. I also think it's great because it's a way to keep our family working toward a goal, especially while one of my sisters and I are off at our respective colleges.

Even though it's exercise, and in the past I might have said "Ugh! A 5K?!" now it's something I can get excited about. I can start walking, knowing that I'm working toward a specific goal and date, instead of "I'm working out in hopes of losing weight." It's more defined, and I think I need that. Plus having the support of my family makes it even better.

Who knows. Maybe I"ll start finding excitement in more physical activities. I've always wanted to take up pilates....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thinking Differently?

I was listening to a podcast today, and the speaker (or whatever you want to call him) said that in his years as a personal trainer, he's noticed that fat people think differently than thin people. While he was explaining his observations, I immediately got offended. He couldn't seriously think this, could he?

But then I started to look at my own thought process and experiences in comparison with his scenarios.

He claimed that heavier people tend to have a much different relationship with food. While not always the case, thinner people tend to see food as fuel. They also tend to eat fairly regularly week after week. His contention is that heavier people almost lose it come the weekend or major holidays. They see it as an opportunity to reward themselves.

Like I said, at first I was offended. Who does this guy think he is? Even thinking back to it, I still get flustered. But perhaps, at least in my case, he's right.

I look back to the Fourth of July. Birthdays. New Years Eve. Christmas. Thanksgiving. Heck, even this past weekend. It doesn't have to be a major holiday! It's almost like I justify eating more because I "owe it to myself." I got through the week. Now I can relax and just take my mind off things. But then I take my mind of really honing in on my lifestyle choices.

When I think about the Eat Right Challenge, I tend to do well during the week. I have an 8 to 5 schedule that keeps me away from the kitchen (although sometimes even work can be a tough place with my snacking and goodies...). But then on the weekend.... I'm more susceptible to binges. And as this guy explained, I can, in just one weekend, cancel out all the good work I did with eating during the week.

That's a scary thought.

Perhaps part of the Eat Right Challenge is learning to change my relationship with food. Maybe I need to start seeing it as fuel, as something that can better my body and keep it functioning. I need to focus on whether I'm hungry, and whether what I'm eating will really satisfy me. Yes that chocolate cake looks good...but do I really need it? Or do I just want it because it's there.

The podcast I listened to claimed that I, because I'm heavier and don't yet think like a thin person, am more likely to indulge in it because I've been given the opportunity to. Instead of having one bite and being happy with it, I will think "When is this opportunity going to come again??" and I'll continue to eat.

Sadly, that could be the case.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do heavier people really think differently than thin people? Is that what my/our downfall is? I'm curious to know what others think.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mental Victory

Here's a revelation I had today. I was looking in the mirror, and I realized I was okay. And really, it's more of a mental thing.

In the last few weeks, my sister has put me through a few tough work outs and I generally work out 3-5 times a week, even if it's just walking my dogs for 15 minutes. Through this working out, I feel so much better about myself. My clothes fit a bit better, but it's probably not a substantial change from a few weeks ago when I started working out.

Rather, it's my mentality that's changed. Because I'm taking care of myself. Because I'm learning to respect myself and know that what I'm doing now will help. When I look at myself in the mirror, and even when I'm just in public, I feel better about myself because I know I'm in the process of getting healthy. I'm making a real effort to improve my health, and I feel like it's paying off. This only aides in my consistency of working out, which is what I need.

I think working out, particularly on the harder workouts, has also opened my eyes to additional ways I can better myself. One day I only drank pop. I probably had a glass of water, but otherwise it was Diet Coke. That night during my workout, I wanted to smack myself. It just didn't feel as cleansing knowing I didn't have water in me, that I had junk food. While it's probably not the case, I felt like it prevented me from having an optimum workout. I just had this vision of sweating out Diet Coke instead of water, and it didn't sit well with me.

Hopefully this will lead to more changes, but for now I'm trying to take it one day at a time. When 8 p.m. rolls around, I remind myself of how great I'll feel if I get out for a walk, even if it's just 10 or 15 minutes. It's the small things that can start to add up - and they can add up to a lot.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One or the Other

One thing that's always intrigued me about weightloss is how much your thought process changes. A week or so ago, I was reading a weightloss book that I was really enjoying. It got me excited about the potential and I really felt like this was something I could do. My motivation was at an all time high. I was ready.

A week later, I'm eating like crap. And I'm back to drinking diet soda. But I'm working out more.

My problem with my health seems to be that I'm more focus on one and not the other. I can work out 5 days a week....but then it seems like my heathly eating plummets. Then I'll focus on eating right, but for some reason my effort to workout drops.

I'm not sure if I just feel like it takes too much brain power, or if my mind tricks me into thinking that I can be more lienient with what I'm eating or drinking because I'm working out. But really, you have to do both to lose weight.

It's equally frustrating because I'm working out much more consistently....but I don't feel like it. And I definitely don't look like it. It almost feels like my jeans are getting tighter, and that's never a good sign. Maybe someone like me needs a mapped out schedule - these are the days and times I'm working out, and these are my meal plans for the week.

That, however, goes back to motivation. I'll have it when I plan my week, but on Wednesday night am I going to want to follow through with it? Who knows. I just know this can't be exercising or eating right for long. It's got to be both, or I'm in trouble.

Friday, June 13, 2008

It Seems Backwards....

Here's something I'm discovering about myself this summer.

In almost every diet book you read, and even common sense tells you this, you are advised to find a workout or diet buddy. You need some sort of support system, something to keep you in check and make sure you get to the gym.

Do you know what's weird with me? I almost work better solo, and it seems weird.

I told you in my last entry how I just told myself I was going to give up pop and not eat seconds. It wasn't something I told family or friends or anyone. I kept it to myself, and I found success.

This week, however, I started talking to more people who I felt could be my support system. Instead of finding it helpful, I just found myself feeling more guilty and beating myself up more. Now that they know that I'm not supposed to have pop and remind me of this, I feel like there's more resentment, and there really doesn't need to be.

I wonder why that is. About a year and a half ago, I had a workout buddy and it worked out wonderfully! She was so positive and made our walks fun. It was a great experience and I understood why you should find someone to partner with for the weight-loss journey.

But lately, I don't seem to want that. It almost feels more restrictive for me because I know other people are going to be making sure I workout and do what I say I'm going to do, and that's not how I want to make a lifestyle change. But common sense tells me I need this.

Does anyone else find that they have this mindset? Does anyone have success stories about dieting/working out with buddies? I'm just curious to see how other people use the buddy system to help them find success.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

One Step at a Time

As with all things in life, my eating right and striving for a healthier lifestyle has had it's ups and downs the last few weeks.

Two weeks ago I casually started small. I wasn't making it too strict since I was just starting out, but two weeks ago I decided to cut pop out of my diet (my reliance on Diet Coke got to be ridiculous), tried to not eat seconds and tried not to eat after 9 p.m., since nighttime snacking appears to be my weakness.

Surprisingly, I stuck with all three, with the exception of two meals where I had seconds.

It really shocked me. Normally I try to be very strict and regimented with my diet. But I actually found that by just saying to myself, "You know, it'd be great if you could get pop out of your diet, but if you had a can, we'll try again tomorrow." But the more days I'd go without pop, the more encouraged I'd become. And now it's been two weeks since I've touched pop!

This week I didn't do as well with eating, but I got to the gym three times. For a gal who hadn't been there in a number of weeks (think back to February or March....), it was a big accomplishment for me.

Granted, my approach may not work for all. However, it may work for some. Each week I try to implement one or two dietary changes. And instead of beating myself up over it if I fail, I start up again. That may have been my failing aspect with previous diets. I don't have to hate myself for a slip up, and I don't have to make a million and one changes to kick off a diet. I want this to be a LIFESTYLE change, and to do that, I have to casually work these habits into my life. I can't expect to wake up and all the sudden be a healthy eater or an avid athlete. These things take time.

Goals for this week:
Hitting the gym at least 3 times (started last week)
Continuing with no pop (started 2 weeks ago)
Drinking 4-6 glasses of water a day
Eating a fruit or veggie with every dinner

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ready, Set, Go!

Last night I was reading a book, trying to get myself motivated to really take some weight off this summer. For years and years, I've started every summer saying that this will be my summer to lose weight. Last summer I was on the right track - particularly by taking on the Great American Eat Right Challenge - but I think the knee injury really got me down.

Anywho, as I was reading the book, weightloss just really seemed simple to me. The best way to lose a pound a week? Cut 300 calories out of your current daily eating and burn 200 more calories. So if I just walked 20 minutes and cut out that nighttime snacking, I'd be on track to lose a pound a week!

I think what's intimidating about losing weight is that there's so much information out there. Do you eliminate carbs? Do you try a liquid diet? Count calories? Eat three meals a day, or six small ones? How do you even know what to put in your body?

This summer, I'm going to try to get back to the basics. I'm going to try working out for 30 minutes most days of the week, whether it be a brisk walk with my dogs or a heavy weight-lifting session at the gym. I'm also going to listen to my body when it comes to eating. I'm surprised at how much healthier when I feel after I eat an apple as opposed to a cookie. I need to start paying attention to whether my body actually needs seconds, or if I just want seconds. There's a difference.

To start, though, I'm going to implement these things slowly, going back to the Eat Right Challenge. I'm not going to overhaul my entire lifestyle at once. I'm going to take it one day at a time, rewarding myself for what I can do, and not beating myself up for what I can't do. It's a process, and I'm ready to take it on.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Here we go again

Just this past weekend I injured my other knee. For more frequent readers, you may remember a few posts last summer about how I tore my right MCL. Now I've injured my left knee, although I'm not quite sure what the diagnoses is. I'm hoping it's just a sprain or bruise, particularly since I'm hoping to walk in the graduation ceremony next Saturday sans crutches....

Once my knee is all healed up, I'm making a personal goal of bettering my body. Did you know that just by shedding one pound you can take off around four pounds of pressure off your knee? For someone with knee injuries like me, that's huge!

I just keep thinking back to what I could have done to prevent the knee injury. For one, I should have really focused on strength building. I know because of the way my knees are, I need to focus on building inner thigh muscle. Despite doing that through physical therapy for four months and knowing the importance, I haven't done much with it. I need to get back to strength training to make sure my knees don't have to provide all the support.

I also need to be more strategic in my workouts. Perhaps strategic isn't the right word, but I do need to get into a routine of have shoes with good support, warming up, and cooling down. This are things I typically ignore. My workout shoes? I've had them for over a year now and they look like I've had them for seven. It's bad. I know they're not giving my knee support. And I know wearing flip-flops while walking all over campus isn't helping them either.

Isn't it amazing how you know what you should do to better your health, but it's not until after the fact that you actually want to do it?

Consider this a lesson learned.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Check In

Tonight, for the heck of it, I decided to take the Great American Health Check. I took that quiz in a recent post to see whether or not I was healthy, but this one actually shows the different areas to assess your cancer risk.

To be honest, it kind of scared me.

I know I've written this before, I people generally know what it takes to be healthy. We know we should get five servings of fruits and veggies. We know we should choose whole grain wheats and pastas. We know we should get 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week.

So why don't we?

I keep asking myself - why all the excuses? One of the questions on the Health Check was what you do in your free time. I marked play on the computer. In a given day, I wouldn't be surprised if I waste a few good hours. But because I'm at a computer trying to get myself to do homework, I act like it's okay that I'm doing that instead of working out. It's a terrible thing to be doing, and yet I do it constantly.

I used to always think dieting was about will power. Yes, that's part of it. But I think a major part is accepting that you have the power to embark on a healthy lifestyles. It's not about eating healthy 24/7 and never making a mistake. Slip-ups are okay. It's what you do about them. It seems to be about your general attitude and approach to health. If my sole goal is to drop 30 pounds to fit into a cute pair of jeans, which mine has been in the past, then of course it's not going to work.

At this point in my life, it needs to be about getting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It's not a diet anymore. It's not about a number on the scale or a certain size of jeans. It's about my health. Think about all the things your health can impact. There's such a huge link between lifestyle choices and cancer and heart disease and diabetes and so on. I don't know why I act like it's not a big deal. It's a huge deal. But like most things, I put it off.

Right now, it's time to stop putting it off. It's time to take responsibility for my life and start making healthier food choices - even if it's opting for fruit over bacon at breakfast. The small things can add up. It's about taking it one step at a time. I can do it. You can do it. We just have to remind ourselves that we're in it for the long haul and the benefits are incredible.

We can do this.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Being Smart

Yesterday a friend and I were discussing what we should have for dinner. Being lazy college students, we opted to go out. We ended up going to Burger King.

Afterwards (on a walk, thankfully) we started chatting about how unhealthy we felt. Hypocritical, I know. She was commenting that her heart was probably hating her, wishing she would treat her body right. We just mentally and physical feel unhealthy.

I think, in part because we're in college although I'm sure others feel the same, we tend to think we can make exceptions with our health. We eat fast food and skip out on workouts thinking that our school work and education is going to get us farther. Our work experience and grades are more important than getting in a 30-minute workout.

But it's the healthy lifestyle that will get us to live longer. What's smarter?

Although we're young and may think we're invincible, there's research that shows otherwise. Because of my experiences at the American Cancer Society, I know that one-third of cancer deaths can be prevented just by making healthier lifestyle choices. I know of the connection between my lifestyle and cancer. Yet I still eat at Burger King habitually? It doesn't make sense.

I keep thinking about ways that we could really motivate people to lead healthier lives. I know places like Burger King are tempting, quick and easy. But does that mean we should fall for it? What would get you to take your health more importantly?

This summer I'm embarking on a lifestyle makeover. Together with my sister, we're going to make it a priority to start eating better and getting in the daily recommended exercises. But for the next six weeks, I'm going to be preparing myself for that. I'll start drinking more water and making better food choices. I want to change, and I want to make sure I can prevent future health problems with decisions I make today.

Besides, who likes taking the easy way anyway? It's time to be smart about something other than my classes.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's All in your Head

A few months back, I took the ACS Nutrition and Activity Quiz. What's interesting, though, is how my answers seemed to change. Last summer, I ate more fruits and veggies, and I made a better attempt to get in those 30 mintues of exercise 5 times a week.

Around this time of year, though, those are in the "no" column. I'm realizing just how much seasons do affect what we eat and how much or how frequently we work out. If anything, I think it makes me feel more hopeful and optimistic going into the summer, knowing fresh fruits and veggies will be in season. Plus I'll be able to walk outside, which doesn't even compare to walking on the treadmill in a cramped gym.

That wasn't the only thing that crossed my mind, though. I was surprised to find that my eating habits aren't nearly as bad as I think they are. Granted, they could be much better. I won't deny that. But perhaps we see ourselves eating worse because we spend so much time thinking about it. Rarely do I eat fried foods, rarely do I eat high-calorie, baked goods, and when I'm down at school I don't eat a lot of red or processed meat.

As a dieter, I tend to think I'm doing a lot worse than I am, and I almost wonder if that makes dieting harder. Am I discouraged constantly by something that isn't that bad after all? Granted I could cut back on the snacking, but when I snack it's on whole bran crackers, sandwiches Like I said, it could be better. I could be eating fruits or veggies, but I'm not constantly eating pies and doughnuts. Yet in my mind, it's like I am.

Maybe I need to have a better appreciation for what I'm eating and take a more realistic approach. You hear about so many fad diets, but whenever I go to the ACS website for information on eating right, I'm reminded that things are only as difficult as you make them. It's about making good food choices when you can and getting in the recommended exercise throughout the week. It's not cutting everything out of your diet or limiting yourself.

Sometimes I really think this dieting thing is a mind game....

Does anyone have similar experiences or thoughts?

Friday, March 21, 2008


My apologies for not posting recently. It's been a busy couple of weeks, but spring is finally here and soon it will be summer.

But spring typically means one thing for dieters alike - bathing suit season is coming. Soon it will be time to start going without the baggy sweatshirts and coats and instead wearing short-sleeve shirts. Not so good for a gal like me who hasn't worked out too much.

The good thing about spring, though, is that it seems to put a bounce back in everyone's step. Not only are we happy to have more hours of daylight and warmer weather, but more people seem to be out and about, taking their exercise routines outdoors.

I've really noticed that in the past year or so, I'm much, much more motivated to "workout" when I just get to go outside for a walk. Particularly if I go with a friend, it never feels like working out. It's just a relaxing time. My body feels much better physically and emotionally than if I had spent a hour in a warm gym staring at the clock.

I also think spring is great for re-evaluating my eating habits. Typically in the colder weather, we crave heavier foods - potatoes, meat, cream-based soups, pasta. Not that those things are bad, but I opt for those instead of the fruits, veggies, chicken and fish I should be eating. I mean, just look at the recipes on the ACS website. Don't they just scream spring and summer?

All I know is that I'm going to use this extra bounce in my step to start the season off right. My resolutions may not have been successful the first few months, but you know what? It's a new time a year. Let's dust off those sneakers, stash away the comfort food and embrace the wonderful weather and even better lifestyle choices we can make.

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Message of Hope

I wanted to take a moment to share a wonderful resource for everyone. The American Cancer Society launched a new interactive website that allows people to hear and share their messages of hope. If you have a minute, be sure to visit

Watching Annie's story, it really brings you back to Earth. It makes you realize that cancer can happen to anyone - young and old, sister, father, uncle. It's scary to think that people are going through this each and everyday. But this website offers a message of hope for everyone.

I think it also reinforces why we strive to live healthy lives. I write this blogs in hopes of sharing my story and inspiring others to realize that we can get on the right track to leading a healthy lifestyle. When Annie got her diagnosis, she explained that she took it upon herself to live a better lifestyle. She went on an organic diet, started working out and really made her health a priority - and she noticed the difference.

She delivers such a powerful message and inspiration to us all. Sometimes I think we get so wrapped up with everything else going on in our lives and our to-do lists and our obligations that we forget the simple things. We forget about ourselves. We put off what's important until something major happens, like it did for Annie.

So today, think about what you can do to improve your health, and also what you can do to share hope. No one should have to go through this alone. The internet provides an opportunity to get the help, support and guidance you need. Take advantage of it. And let me know if there's anything I can be doing to inspire you.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Squeeze It In

I was browsing the ACS website and came across something really interesting. Turns out, I don't have to always spend hours at the gym.

Last week my roommate and I were talking about why it is we don't workout as often as we should. What did it boil down to? Time. In our minds, workouts have to be 45-60 minutes. Plus you throw in the time getting there, getting back, showering, and that takes up 90-120 minutes. That's not something we all have time to do.

But that's now how it has to be. According to ACS, it may work better for some people to break it down into three of four 10-minute workouts. Working out doesn't have to be so daunting and time-consuming. It'd be great if I could get the recommended 30 minutes five days a week, but I could break it up. Chances are I'd be more inclined to get my butt out of bed in the morning 10 minutes early to pop in a workout DVD for ten minutes as opposed to getting up an hour earlier. It's all about the baby steps.

Perhaps that will be my goal for next week. I'll try 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes during my lunch break and then 10+ minutes during the evening. Maybe then the task won't seem so time-consuming and I'll have energy throughout the entire day. It's worth a shot, right?

Any tips you have on squeezing in your physical activity?

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I've decided I no longer care about the number on the scale. This semester has been busy and stressful, leading me to eat more junk than I normally would and work out far less. Actually, I've only worked out twice this semester. I'm not feeling healthy at all, and it's reflected in my attitude toward myself and dieting.

But this weekend when I was home, I stepped on the scale. I've lost 5 pounds since Jan. 1.

I realized then and there that the number no longer matters to me. Yes, I'm five pounds less, but I do not feel healthy. I don't feel good about the "weight-loss" because it wasn't done in the right manner.

A friend and I were talking tonight about how working out doesn't even have to yeild results on the scale. What matters is how you feel about it. Looking back on times when I felt healthy and really felt like I was on the path to leading a healthy lifestyle, I felt wonderful. I didn't necessarily care if the scale budged. I just felt good knowing that I was working out consistently and taking my health seriously.

My hope is that this will serve as a wake-up call for me. I want to feel healthy again. I want to go back to having my calendar filled with stickers (I put a sticker on each day that I workout, which motivates me to keep working out consistently). Mostly, though, I want to feel pride in stepping on the scale, knowing that I lost weight the right way. It's not about a number for me anymore. It's about feeling and being healthy. That's what counts.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Good Intentions

Yesterday two good friends of mine and I were going to detox for the weekend. We all feel like we put a lot of crap into our bodies between the food we eat and all the pop we drink. We wanted to flush out our bodies and then start a healthy lifestyle on Monday.

That was the goal.

We didn't make it.

Initially we didn't think the detoxing would be that hard. For lunch and dinner you have a cup of whole grains (they suggested 100% natural rice), 3 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables. We thought it would be okay. After lunch when I was in the library, however, I realized that I couldn't just go cold turkey on things like carbs, protein and caffeine. I couldn't focus, my stomach was growling and I was just in a terrible mood. Who knew you could feel like that after eating healthy?

Ultimately, the three of us decided that's it's not about restricting yourself. That's something I learned from the American Cancer Society last summer. It's about portion control. It's about listening to your body and knowing when you're hungry and full. So today, I started fresh. I had yogurt and orange juice for breakfast, and then a sandwich and salad for lunch. I don't need to detox to feel healthy. I can just make better food choices.

Here's to a new year...a month later. But, I suppose it's better than waiting another 11 months, right?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Nike's Right

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to get into an exercise routine or get back into one?

Tuesday night after a meeting, a friend of mine and I were talking about health. Last year she lost probably 50 or 60 pounds with the help of a nutritionist and working out. She looks fabulous, and I was asking how she jump started her program. I explained that sometimes it's just so hard to motivate myself to get to the gym, especially when it's cold.

Her response was simple: Just do it.

She explained that even when you think the gym is the last place you want to be, you should still drag yourself and at least get on the treadmill or bike for 10 minutes. If you really want to get healthy, you have to do it.

It all seems so simple, doesn't it?

So Wednesday morning my roommate came into my room and said, "Who's ready to go to the gym?!" Obviously this was met with a snarl and a, "Do we have to?" But, we sucked it up and did it.

The first five minutes on the treadmill went surprisingly fast. I felt good that I was finally working out again. But then I took notice of the time... and soon it was all I could focus on. "My gosh, I've only been going 8 minutes?? Now 8 minutes and 23 seconds??"

I'm hoping that by getting into a pattern it won't seem like that much of a struggle to get me there and to stay focused on the workout itself. I did feel great afterwards, so in the end it paid off. Like my friend said, all you have to do is just do it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Not As Hoped...

The new year isn't going exactly like I thought it would. But in all honesty, I didn't expect it to start off stellar simply because of my week-long trip. I was fortunate enough to spend a week in Italy on a study tour through school. The walking definitely helped...but all that amazing food didn't.

Two good friends of mine and I are going to kick of the "new year" on Feb. 1. That's when we felt we would be adjusted to the new semester. We're in the process of developing a pretty detailed meal plan (if you plan meals ahead, research shows you're less likely to binge or eat more than you want) and also an exercise plan. I'm hoping that I don't try to take on too much at once, which tends to be my downfall. I'll have all the motivation in the world and make it a goal to work out for an hour on top of drinking 8 glasses of water, incorporating new foods and such. I'm just setting myself up to be overwhelmed after a few days.

Want to know what's really weird, though? I've been eating soup for breakfast. Wrong meal, right? Not anymore.

I read a magazine article a couple weeks ago about how you don't necessarily need to stick to breakfast foods for breakfast. I used to be a big cereal person. I could eat it morning, noon and night. But I think I've exhausted that. Cereal doesn't look appetizing, and I'm not really a breakfast food person (unless it's bacon and eggs, which I don't have time to make...nor should I be making). The article said breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not start it off right? No one says you have to limit yourself.

And you know what? I've found in the few days I've done it that it actually works. I feel fuller quite a bit longer and I feel like I have some energy to sustain me throughout the morning. Plus the warm soup is perfect given that we just got a few inches of snow yesterday...

We'll see if I want to stick with the habit.